**A space to evolve an understanding of this document and its wide-spread impacts.
Why is President Trump calling it the “Green New Scam”?
If you read the document in its entirety, you will at least understand the perspective.
Once you do, you’ll see how this policy-setting document provides principles and guidance for how to proceed in establishing this vision they call the “Green New Deal”.
Ready to understand why so many people are disgusted by it? Don’t believe what I’m trying to explain?
Read the actual document. Written in fairly plain language.
Link below to the full text of the “Green New Deal”.
GND: Public Housing
April 2024:
Highlight: part of this document calls for the repeal of the Faircloth Amendment, originally signed into law by… President Clinton.
Question: Why is AOC/Sanders looking to dismantle part of an Act signed into law by Clinton?
Question: How does removing the amendment impact the act for which is was written?
Question: Why did President Clinton believe that limiting the amount of public housing projects was important?
Question: Is there perspective to be gained for knowing if amendments added were part of political concessions in negotiating its passage?