Author: admin

  • Green New Deal

    by Greg

    **A space to evolve an understanding of this document and its wide-spread impacts. Why is President Trump calling it the “Green New Scam”? If you read the document in its entirety, you will at least understand the perspective. Once you do, you’ll see how this policy-setting document provides principles and guidance for how to proceed…

  • 500, then 600.

    by Greg

    A few years ago, we were with a friend from North Carolina and got to talking about racing. Charlotte is like the heart of NASCAR, and it dawned on me just how much I’ve enjoyed my memories, growing up going to Riverhead Raceway. We HAVE to go to a real, legit NASCAR race! And the…

  • What’s In Season?

    by Greg

    Check this out, from CT Grown.

  • What Happened to Weekend Sunshine?

    by Greg

    Is it me or do we get into these weather patterns that seem cruelly devised to taunt us with the absolute most finest of sunny weather only on work days? Planning for… hoping for a summer that is drier and sunnier than normal.

  • Water, Wind, & Rain

    by Greg

    Mother nature continues to give us plenty of water. More than we probably want or need but I’m nonetheless thankful for plenty of water. It’s the wind I would like to wish away.

  • As Spring Approaches

    by Greg

    “Photo of the week” for me. Taken on Wednesday, Shannon gets some much needed fresh air and (shaded) sunshine. A nice reminder as spring is upon us to get outside, pause and reflect, plan to be present in a moment where we can focus to feel the fresh air breathed, and the warmth of the…

  • Something’s Been Cooking

    by Greg

    If you know how to store apples, it is interesting to witness how long you can keep them and extend their use. From a few weeks back, working on a recipe for fresh mulled cider using Hidden Gem Orchard‘s amazing varieties. Extending that incredible fall flavor well into the back-end of winter!

  • Larkin Trail Road Crossings

    by Greg

    Take a moment to support this online petition. Would you please share it, too? This issue was presented in public comment during our last board meeting. Well done! I’ll be looking to see if we can craft a thoughtful letter supporting our trail users and increased visibility and safety at these very busy road crossings,…

  • Winter Wonderland

    by Greg

    Enjoy the snow this weekend! It may be the only weekend to enjoy some legitimate winter wonderland at home. 🙂

  • About the heat…

    by Greg

    If you’re listening even in the slightest to our community members who engage on town topics, or maybe the stakeholders who stand to use Ballantine Pool the most, it is unmistakably clear that people want to ensure that our pool is never cold again. Unfortunately, it may be a symptom or reaction to years of…